The Bold Beautiful Borderline Podcast provide a raw, honest, and sometimes humorous look into what it means to live with Borderline Personality Disorder
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Host, Sara Abbott, lives with Borderline Personality Disorder and a variety of other conditions. She dreamt up Bold Beautiful Borderline after having hosted another podcast that focused on staying alive.
As an LCSW therapist, Sara has struggled and continues to struggle with being open about her BPD for fear of stigma.
The BBB podcast was her formal introduction of herself to society as having BPD. A borderline debutant, if you will.
On the podcast she meets with individuals and speaks herself about all things borderline; from relationships, to anger, to sex, and to recovery. BBB bares all to offer a glimpse into the reality behind life with the world’s most stigmatized mental illness.
There are episodes of the podcast from 2021-2024 who feature Laurie Edmundson as a co-host. Laurie is now focusing full-time on her SuperFeelers program, a peer support program for individuals who struggle with emotion dysregulation. You can contact Laurie through her website here.
Meet Sara
Sara lives on the Washington Coast with her husband, four cats, two dogs, four chickens and got diagnosed with BPD at 23. Sara is a shepherd Mom, proud queer, and holds a Master of Social Work and licensure to practice social work in both Washington and Oregon. She works full-time as a therapist.
Shop the Journal: Exploring Your Borderline Strengths

“You can't think yourself into new ways of acting;
You only can act yourself into new ways of thinking.”
― Marsha Linehan
Some things to expect from our BBB site:
Submission form for joining us on the podcast
National and International Resources for BPD
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